
Sicilian Aubergine Timbale: A Traditional Delight of Italy

Sicilian Aubergine Timbale of Italy

Sicilian Aubergine Timbale

Sicilian Aubergine Timbale (Timballo di Melanzane Siciliano) is a traditional Italian dish that hails from Sicily. It’s a layered, baked dish made primarily with aubergine (eggplant), pasta, and a rich tomato-based sauce, all encased in a shell of fried aubergine slices. The dish is known for its luxurious flavours and rustic charm, often seen as a centerpiece in Sicilian cuisine, especially during festive occasions.

Key Ingredients

Aubergines: The dish starts with aubergines that are thinly sliced, salted to remove excess moisture and bitterness, then fried until golden and soft. These slices are used to line the timbale mould, creating an edible shell that holds the layers together.

Sicilian Aubergine Timbale

Pasta: A small pasta shape, such as rigatoni or ziti, is often used, cooked al dente and mixed with a rich tomato sauce.

Tomato Sauce: A traditional Sicilian tomato sauce made with garlic, onions, fresh tomatoes, and basil forms the base of the filling. Sometimes, additional flavours such as olives, capers, or anchovies are added for depth.

Cheese: Grated cheeses like Parmigiano-Reggiano or Pecorino Romano are commonly used in the pasta mix, while mozzarella or caciocavallo may be layered in for a creamy, melty texture.

Meat or Vegetables: Although not always included, variations of the timbale can feature ground meat (such as beef or sausage), chicken, or additional vegetables like peas or zucchini.

Assembly and Baking

The fried aubergine slices are carefully arranged in a round, oven-proof dish or mould, overlapping slightly to form the outer shell. The pasta filling, mixed with the tomato sauce, cheese, and any other ingredients, is packed inside. Additional layers of cheese or meat may be added before the top is sealed with

Sicilian Eggplant Timbale

more aubergine slices. It is baked until golden and firm, allowing the flavours to meld together.

Once baked, the timbale is turned out of the mould, revealing a beautifully bronzed aubergine exterior. The inside is rich, saucy, and hearty, making it a showstopper dish for special occasions or gatherings.

The Sicilian Aubergine Timbale perfectly reflects the bold, flavourful traditions of Sicily, combining the region’s love for fresh vegetables, pasta, and savoury sauces.

Sicilian Aubergine Timbale Recipe

Hello everyone, today I want to show you how to prepare a delicious Sicilian aubergine timbale, a typical dish of the island’s cuisine that conquer with its rich flavour and its soft and crunchy consistency. The Sicilian aubergine timbale is a savoury baked pasta pie, topped with tomato sauce, basil and mozzarella, and wrapped in a casket of fried aubergines. A true delicacy to bring to the table to amaze your guests or to pamper yourself on a special day. Let’s see what the ingredients and steps we need to make this delicious dish.

Ingredients for 6 people:

500 g of anelletti (or other short pasta format)
3 large aubergines
750 ml of tomato puree
Extra virgin olive oil
1 clove of garlic
fresh basil
Grated cheese
200 g of mozzarella (or scamorza)
salt and pepper
Seed oil for frying

  1. Wash the aubergines and cut them into thin slices lengthwise. Place them in a colander with a little salt and let them rest for a couple of hours, so that they lose the bitter water.
  2. In a large pan, fry the peeled garlic clove with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. Add the tomato puree, a pinch of salt, pepper and a few chopped basil leaves. Let the sauce cook over medium-low heat for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  3. In a pan with plenty of salted water, cook the pasta for the time indicated on the package, but drain it very al dente, because it will have to finish cooking in the oven. Season the pasta with half the prepared sauce and half the grated cheese. Cut the mozzarella into cubes and add it to the pasta. Mix everything well.
  4. In a pan with hot seed oil, fry the sliced ​​aubergines, turning them once on each side. Drain them on absorbent paper and blot the excess oil.
  5. Take a 22cm diameter round baking pan and line it with baking paper. Line the bottom and edges of the pan with the fried aubergine slices, overlapping them slightly and leaving the ends sticking out.
  6. Pour the pasta mixture into the pan and level it well with a spatula. Close the surface with the ends of the aubergines, forming a sort of lid.
  7. Bake the Sicilian aubergine timbale in a preheated oven at 200°C for about 30 minutes, until it is golden and well set.
  8. Remove the timbale from the oven and let it cool for about ten minutes before turning it out onto a serving plate. Serve hot or warm, accompanied by the remaining sauce and a sprinkling of grated cheese and fresh basil.
  9. That’s it; your Sicilian aubergine timbale is ready to be enjoyed! A unique dish that contains all the flavour of Sicily and that will make you make a great impression on your table companions. Enjoy your meal!

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